A new documentary series focusing on Rafael Nadal‘s illustrious tennis career is in development at Netflix and Skydance Sports. The series, directed by Oscar nominee Zach Heinzerling, will chronicle Nadal’s 2024 season—the finale of his professional career following a hiatus in 2023 due to injury.
According to Variety, the docuseries will offer a comprehensive look at both Nadal’s professional achievements and his personal life. It promises to include exclusive content from Nadal’s personal archives and extensive access to the tennis icon, his family, and his inner circle of coaches and advisors. “I never thought I’d do something like this, but I got a call from David Ellison and with his words together with an amazing project they put in front of my eyes, it really convinced me this was the right thing to do,” Nadal commented. He expressed confidence in the project’s success, anticipating that it “will be amazing and that it will be seen around the world.”
Diego Ávalos, Netflix’s VP of content for Spain, Portugal, and the Nordics, highlighted Nadal’s global impact, stating, “Rafael Nadal stands as one of the most influential and greatest figures in the history of sports. We are excited to present his remarkable story to our members, offering an intimate glimpse into his journey to cement his legacy to become the legend he is today.”
Nadal, who retired as the former World No. 1, competed professionally for 23 years, capturing 22 Grand Slam men’s singles titles, including a record 14 at the French Open. He is one of only four men to have won all four major titles—completing the Career Grand Slam with victories at the US Open, Wimbledon, and Australian Open.
Details on the official trailer and release date for the docuseries will be announced soon.