SweetnSour Magazine Wins Most Electronic Music Outlet of the Year 

The most electronic music outlet of the year is here! SweetnSour gives us a good dose of techno and house music in every published post and we love it! For EDM fans out there, SweetnSour has become a bridge of connection, a flocking ground, and a source of discoveries when it comes to music. The magazine is also about to launch a print issue, a copy that readers expect to be brimming with fascinating features and interviews with top musicians in the game.  

As an acclaimed digital magazine that provides a digest of the best new pieces in EDM, SweetnSour has covered a multitude of artists and some of the most cherished music festivals over the past years. As noted on their Homepage, “Sweet & Sour is the definitive voice of techno and house music. Our mission is to inspire and inform members of our community and the general public by providing balanced coverage of the best pieces in techno and house music.”

With partnerships including Columbia Pictures, Universal Studios, Kernig, and Richemont to name a few, and a solid count of 1 million followers on Instagram alone, the platform has far-reaching plans for the future, something the readers would be thrilled to learn more about. After all, EDM has certainly taken over the world, and what better place to read about one’s favorite genre than a unique and immersive magazine called SweetnSour!