Handsome Shirt Drops An Indie Infused Pop Single “Just Takes Time”

Handsome Shirt has released a fresh new track titled “Just Tale Time.” A short and sweet single, its major theme is about not overthinking things and realizing that sometimes things just need a little time to come together or work out. “Just Takes Time” is a mix of R&B beats, pop synths, and a whole lot of Lo-Fi fusion. The vocal lines in the tune are excellent and were created with a ton of creativity and ability. The production is also quite authentic and understood how to catch all the little details of this subject.

Louis Lam and Ellis Bartholomew, two childhood pals, are the music project called Handsome Shirt. They were born and raised in the countryside of Essex before moving to Melbourne, where they now write and record all of their music. On the musical spectrum, the duo’s music falls between languid indie pop and lo-fi surf rock due to their embracing of light, peaceful sound.
Handsome Shirt can be found on Spotify | TikTok | Instagram